New Leadership Delivering Results for Our Community

Kevin L. Mannix
Attorney ~ Leader ~ Champion
Occupational Background:
Private law practice since 1986; Assistant Attorney General, Oregon; Assistant Attorney General, U.S. Territory of Guam; Administrative Law Judge, Oregon; Law Clerk, Oregon Court of Appeals
Educational Background:
University of Virginia Law School and College of
Arts and Sciences
Prior Government Experience:
State Representative; State Senator; Oregon Republican Party Chair; Marion County Republican Party Chair; Precinct Committee Person
Meet Kevin Mannix
Providing decades of effective leadership in the community.
Kevin Mannix has been an attorney since 1974. During his first eight years of practice, he served as a law clerk to the Oregon Court of Appeals, as an Assistant Attorney General for Oregon, as an Assistant Attorney General for the U. S. Territory of Guam, and as an Administrative Law Judge for Oregon. He has run his own Salem law firm since 1986, representing individuals, non-profits, and businesses.
Kevin is originally from Virginia where he received his Bachelor's Degree and Juris Doctor at the University of Virginia. Though, he spent many years of his childhood in Latin America living in Ecuador, Bolivia, and Panama while his father served in the Foreign Service. While in Latin America, Kevin attended private Spanish immersion schools and is fluent Spanish.
Kevin and Susanna were married in June 1974, just after Susanna received her BS in nursing and Kevin received his law degree. They studied up on the 50 states and adopted Oregon as their home state. They honeymooned to Oregon right after their marriage; they have lived in Salem since June 1974. They have three children and six grandchildren. Today, Kevin remains in practice at his law firm and Susanna works as a nurse at Salem Hospital.
Kevin is the owner of the Mannix Law Firm, where he has a team of four attorneys working for him. His firm handles business law and personal law matters such as will and estates. Kevin is also the President of Willamette Intermodal Group, and the managing member of Oregon Independence Railroad. He is also the director of the Oregon Shipping Group which supports transportation throughout Oregon.
For Kevin's full biography, please visit his personal website: https://www.kevinmannix.com/

Attorney +
Kevin is the owner of the Mannix Law Firm, where he represented over 50 small businesses, churches, and schools that had to address Covid-19 mandates. He is also the Director of the Oregon Shipping Group, and a Managing Member of the Willamette Intermodal Group.

Community Leader
Kevin is active in many civic organizations, including the East Salem Rotary Club, the Keizer Chamber of Commerce, and the Salem Chamber of Commerce. He is president of the foundation which runs the East Salem Community Center. Kevin led the team that founded Blanchet Catholic School and he remains on its board of directors. He is president of the Salem Catholic Schools Foundation, which supports local Catholic Schools.

Kevin is a champion for Oregonians as the president of Common Sense for Oregon, which supports tax reform, limitation of government regulation, and strengthening public safety.